color wheel designer Demo 

For trying the Color Wheel Designer application, download the demo version of the program.
Unpack the ZIP file, and run the JAR or EXE program.
If you want to buy the full version of the program, please, visit the Microsoft Store.

Color wheel designer for android Java DEMO zip Download


To purchase or buy the .NET version of the ColorWheel Designer application in Microsoft Store.

Click the button bellow..


PDF documentation

Installing DEMO

Before you run the program, please download and install the Java framework of the official website.
Follow the steps to install and run the color wheel application.

JAVA 1.8 JDK Downloads
Select the language from the second menu.
In the program, you can use two types of color circles. On the Quadrant color circle, you can use the base four colors. The Triad is a symmetric RGB.


 You can buy and download the application from the Microsoft Store.
 The software is compatible from Windows 10 (build 1809) to Windows 11.
 Suggested minimum screen resolution 1280x768.

For android

 The program is suggested for Android Tablet.
 Installable file from version Android 4.3.1(API 18 - Jelly Bean ).
 Suggested minimum screen resolution 800x432.

Java version

 The application is a runnable JAR.
 Installed Java 1.8 JRE or higher.
 Suggested minimum screen resolution 1280x768.
